You Are One Step Away From Greatness!

There is only one step between jumping and staying on the plane. It is a tiny step. But it is life changing.
Standing on the threshold of life-changing decision is no different. The build-up can be massive. It can take years.
Then. Snap. Just one step.
The decision can be momentous: quit your job, start a business or change your career. Why then do so few of us make the jump?
Fear might be the reason. That powerful emotion can humble our dreams. It can seem like a weight. Ballast, eating away at your confidence.
Perhaps it is rational: a cold calculus of pain and gain. The benefits do not add up. Making the jump a bad decision to be postponed to tomorrow, when it will be sunnier.
Maybe we are to be comfortable. Choose the easy path. What is known: predictable and stable?
Great change, big jumps, unfold over time. Few of us are struck by the lightning of inspiration. Often there is a long, slow build up.
It can start with gnawing doubt. This job, career or relationship is not for me. It builds in volume until it becomes deafening.
Outsiders only see the results of the decision. The jump. For the entrepreneur, it is the soundtrack, already old by the time the hinge point has been reached.
The key is to build toward greatness in minuscule steps. What can I achieve today? How can I harness today to move me forward?
After all, the highest mountains are climbed, starting at the bottom. The fact is you have put on your hiking shoes. Take a step. Then another. Towards the summit of your goals.
About the Author
Simon Trevarthen is Founder and Chief Inspiration Officer of Elevate Your Greatness (EYG). EYG helps individuals, teams, and organizations unpack the secrets of success by becoming even better versions of themselves through dynamic keynotes, seminars, and workshops on innovation, inspiration and presentation excellence.